We have an appointment at 1. I got here at 12:44. I'm waiting on mommy to arrive. I'm sitting in the warm lobby staring out the window. I always try to go out and greet her and help her in when she arrives. We get to have an ultrasound and we want the doctor to check her cervix. Karyn has been curious to know if she is dilated. I too am curious. We are looking for any signs that "go time"could be close. I have a bunch of questions for the doctor. I always do. Things come up in between visits and I try to keep notes so I don't forget anything. We have a nurse line that we can call at anytime if we do forget to ask something. Thank God for nurses! They do more than doctors throughout pregnancies, truth be told.
My bride arrived about 1:10ish. We check in and sit down. The waiting room is decorated for Christmas. It's really calming and beautiful. It smells of pregnant women and anxious daddies. I love it. This is such a great feeling. The opportunity to go through this with my wife is such a blessing. God is great.
They call us back to the ultrasound room and have Karyn lay down and squirted a gallon of lube on her belly. The ultrasound tech looked at Bailey first since she was in such a great position. She looks so pretty, even in black and white. They measured her head and legs and all the good stuff. She looks great! She tried to scan for Audrey with Karyn lying on her back but she was all balled up in a sleeping position. With it being so cold and rainy outside, I would be too. The tech had her lay on her side and was able to get great pics of my beautiful Audrey. They scanned all of the good stuff and everything looked great! We were able to get pics printed of both the front of their faces and both of their profiles. I tried to get a pic of the tech administrating the ultrasound but apparently there is a rule against it. I took some without her knowing. I'm a bad boy. We finished up and Karyn got dressed and situated. They had her go into the bathroom to get a pee sample. While in there, I was chatting with the nurses. I found out they had Karyn scheduled with a different doctor. She's very particular about her doctor. I had her nurse check to see if we could see her doctor and they had an opening. Yay! I'm good for something.
The nurse came in and checked her blood pressure. It's good. Audrey weighs 3lbs 15ozs and Bailey weighs 4 lbs. Neck and neck still! Bailey has moved to the side a bit so now they're side by side. Both breach so 0% chance of a vaginal birth. It will be a C-section. That was expected and now it's guaranteed. They give us percentiles but they are based on 1 child being in the womb so we take them with a grain of salt.
We have to wait for the doctor for a little while since we weren't originally scheduled with him. While we waited we sent some pics to Nana and Grammy. We also chatted about what we saw in the ultrasound and how we like the other tech a lot better. This one wasn't as friendly. The doctor finally came in. Basically, my wife has 8 lbs of baby right now. That. Is. Awesome. The doctor was very impressed. They are exactly where they need to be. I told the doctor that she knows how to grow them. We asked him to check her cervix for our own piece of mind.
He left while my wife got ready (I moved my chair to the head of the bed for obvious reasons). He came back in and checked her. He said she's thinning but not dilated yet. I asked if intercourse was still ok. He said "It's up to you guys but 8 lbs of babies, you may need to be acrobats." LOL! He said at this point, we may want to avoid anything that would encourage contractions. So... No more of that kind of lovin. He said if we make it 2 more weeks, it's a win. 36 weeks is a HUGE win. That's what we are shooting for. healthy babies at (at least) 36 weeks. We'll be past Christmas and ready to bring our princesses home.
Wouldn't it be cool if they were the first babies born in 2012? I think so. Only God knows when they will come. I'm happy to let Him lead. I just want a couple healthy baby girls. I'm too excited for words. We go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. No more ultrasounds until 36 weeks (God willing). Keep those prayers going up! We need them.
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