Karyn arrived and we went on with the appointment. After all, we get to see the twins today! We've been waiting for another ultrasound for a while. I want to dote on the twins. All women in the waiting room except for me. Thats a lot of hormones, and frankly, I'm scared. What if one of them starts crying? I'm praying the nurse calls us back soon. Karyn left me and went to the restroom (of course) and now I'm all alone in the corner typing away.
Karyn came back and rescued me. The nurse called her name and back we went. My poor wife was crying over the wreck and me trying to comfort her just made it worse. The nurse that weighed her is expecting as well. She asked if she's ok. Karyn told her she was. They sat us in a waiting area and brought my bride a bottle of ORANGE drink for the glucose test. She had to chug it down within 5 minutes. She had it down in 1. Now we wait for an hour before being able to complete the test. I have her laughing at this point. It's a gift. We're waiting in a little room watching the "Today Show". Matt Lauer is talking about traveling the world. He better have car insurance.
Now I'm starting to be all emotional like my expecting wife. Seeing her cry makes me want to cry. She's reading a parenting magazine and I'm talking to you, dear reader. They finally called us back to a room for the ultrasound. The babies look great! Heartbeats are great. Audrey was playing with her foot when she wasn't kicking Bailey in the head. They can't measure their length because they're all balled up. They weigh 2 pounds and 4 ounces at this point. They are exactly the same size. That's incredible to me. The nurse doing the glucose test came in while we were watching the babies and took some blood from Karyn's finger. The results of the test were great! Everything is going well! Thank You God!
They gave us a paper to measure movements, a registration form for the hospital, and a list of pediatricians. The moment is approaching. We are so excited and blessed. Our little angels are growing right on pace. This is the time when we have to be ready to go just in case. Our next appointment is in 2 weeks. We'll have more ultrasounds and we're considering doing the 3-D. It would be an extra appointment and we're going to be here plenty. Keep sending those prayers up. They're working. Daddy's little angels (Mommy's little crash test babies) are doing well.
Praise the Lord everyone is healthy! Love those girls (all 3)!