Wednesday, August 3, 2011

13 and a half weeks

We've had a busy week in the Smith house.

Isaiah starts kindergarten. We weren't as prepared as we thought we were. Mentally or otherwise. When we went to sign him up for school, we realized we needed the certified copy of his birth certificate. We took a trip to the health department. It was then that we saw the hospital had misspelled my name on Isaiah's birth certificate. They have me down as "ason". We have to file an amendment. We did get the copy we needed and took it to the school. We had to get shot records, dental records, and there's testing for kindergarten now. I didn't realize you could fail "Napping 101". His "testing" is later this afternoon. I took off half a day to be there. It's hard watching my baby grow up so much. It seems like just yesterday that I held him in my arms at the hospital. I was there for Jay's 1st day and Isaiah's 1st day. I wouldn't miss it. It made me think about how anyone can show up at 1st day or graduation but it's the days in between that matter. I'll be there for the days in between too. Just ask Jay. He started 5th grade. Wow. I have a 5th grader. I'm getting old. He went back to school yesterday. It seems kind of early in August to be back at school but he seems excited about it. He looked handsome in one of his new outfits. I reminded him to start the year off on a good note. To be nice. Even when you don't want to. Even when you don't have to. It's for your own good. I told him that the decisions you make today will follow you. Make the right ones. Decisions you can be proud of. I think he will.

I've spent the better part of this past week with my brother Brian. He's been helping me with Karyn's car. She had to have several things fixed on it and it's still a work in progress. Three straight days under a hood in 90+ degree heat is hard. I did it because I have to. It's my job. My brother helped because he wanted to. That's what family is all about. Looking out for each other. I pray my kids are all close. Siblings are pre-made best friends. I've had a blast spending time with my brother even if we were busting our knuckles in the process. These are times we can't get back and we have to savor them.

Aunt Shannon (my wife's sister) went into labor this morning. Her and her husband are expecting their second child. A boy. What an exciting time for our family. I can't imagine being a grandparent but I bet I would love it. And all these new grand babies within 6 months. Wow.

Speaking of grandparents, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for our family. They're so good to us. I came home the other day from work to find two huge boxes on our doorstep. They were full of packs of diapers from Grammy (Karyn's mom). Unbelievable. What a blessing. She also bought us a crib for the twins. I think we're getting the other crib from my sister, Angela. I cherish her. My mom has already volunteered to keep both babies when it's time for Karyn to go back to work. I'm not sure if she really knows what she's getting into with twins but neither do we. We'll all learn on the fly. I spoke to my grandmother who lives outside of Nashville yesterday. She offered some encouragement that was much needed. I ended the call with tears in my eyes. I have to get over and see her and my grandpa soon. She has impacted my life in ways I can't even explain. Family makes us who we are and I'm so proud of ours. Thank you for being awesome.

(Update on Karyn)

We really don't have any new news. We haven't been to the baby doctor in a while. We're in between visits. Her belly is growing a LOT. More than I expected. She's absolutely beautiful. She's craving things that she's never really cared for. Like popcorn. She tears through a bag like she's mad at it. She stays out of breath because of her thyroid. That issue is still unresolved. The specialist still hasn't called us back to tell us whether we need to wait on surgery or not. Hopefully, we'll get a second opinion regardless. Life is too precious to depend on a doctor to remember us (her) over his jet ski. We've discussed going to the "Cleveland Clinic". We've heard great things about it but with school being in now, not sure how we could make that happen. We are looking everywhere at specialists and will keep everyone updated. Our next baby doctor appointment is August 12 and Karyn has a follow up with throat specialist on August 19. Thank you for your prayers and please keep them coming.

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